Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chester's 1st Book - Exclusive Preview

I've had some ask me about my book.  I prayed over this book from June 2011 until April 2012 and began writing in April.  Other than my wife, the bible study group at a local nursing home, and my editor no one has read what's been written so far. With more than 85% completed, I am growing more and more excited about having it completed soon. Since I have had people ask, I thought I'd include a short preview.  It is the shortest chapter in the book, but probably the most significant.

I hope you enjoy the tease =)


From "Game Changers - A Guide to Effective Church Membership"

Chapter 26
Becoming a Game Changer

Well congratulations!  You’ve discovered why the name of this book is called “Game Changers.”  A lot has taken place since our last application chapter, and some very important developments in the lives of Victor and Vicki.  This chapter will be one of the shortest, but I wanted to break in to explain what’s coming.
 In the subsequent chapters, we will watch all that is involved in becoming a Game Changer.  We will examine the practices and requirements that many churches are afraid or unable to do.  We won’t do a lot of church government talk, (although as I finish this book I’m considering a book about biblical church government vs. church government of today, so be watching for it!) but we will see how Coventry doesn’t spend time on power brokers or squeaky wheels.  They have Kingdom Work to do and for those not interested in doing the Lord’s work, they are politely asked to move along.
This attitude seems harsh in today’s church, where we are more worried about losing money or making people mad, but at Coventry (which, by the way, is modeled after real world churches that take a similar approach) the focus is on the Lord and His Will for HIS Church.  That’s the whole point of being a Game Changer.  You see, the generally accepted model for church members isn’t resulting in winning souls.  In fact, the apathy that has crept in is inadvertently causing (or permitting, if you will) souls to perish for eternity. If this were a game, and of course it is much more important than that, we would desperately seek a game changer.  This simply being someone to come in and hit a home run or throw that successful Hail Mary and alter the direction we are heading.  Today, our churches need less members and more game changers.