Radical Mentoring 2018

Welcome to Radical Mentoring 2018 at Smith Street Baptist Church.  

Below you will find updates and resources that will help you prepare for this intense year of mentoring. 

Mentoring Schedule:  
We will meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 2pm - 4pm in the Conference room at Smith Street Baptist Church in Vidalia. (The date/time may change month to month. We will set this at each session, to make sure everyone can plan ahead).
Book Reading:
Mentees will be required to read one book each month. You may purchase, download, borrow, etc the book.  A comprehensive list of books are below:
Due in March - Bo's Cafe'  Lynch, Thrall and McNicol
Due in April - Identity, Eric Geiger
Due in May - The Good and Beautiful God, James Bryan Smith
Due in June - Too Buys Not to Pray, Bill Hybels
Due in July - Louder Than Words, Andy Stanley
Due in August - What Radical Husbands Do, Regi Campbell
Due in September -  Ordering Your Private World, G. MacDonald
Due in October - Why Church Matters, Joshua Harris
Due in November -  As Iron Sharpens Iron, Howard and William Hendricks

You will be responsible for ordering your books and reading them in enough time for our session.

Sometimes people get sick and can't attend. However, excessive absences or not communicating may result in your dismissal from this group. This will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Net-out sheets will still be required, even if you do not attend a session.

In order to graduate you must have completed the following:

1) Attended 100% of the sessions
2) Turned in all of the Net-Out Sheets.
3) Attended the Story Sunday (Feb) and the Commencement Retreat (Nov).
4) Completed all homework assignments

 Financial Aid:
Most everyone should be able to financially plan to pay for their own books each month. This is your commitment to the mentorship and helps you take ownership of it.  Books are less that $20 and you know ahead of time which books you need and when. However, if someone is providentially hindered, they may contact me (Chester) and I will look for a way to help.  This should only be done in emergency situations and will not be permitted for every book.

Monthly Expectations
Clickable links appear here for each upcoming month to help you prepare.

February 25, 2018


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