I'll bet I can read your thoughts. You might take a look at the picture and think that this post is a little self-serving. I ensure you that it is not and that I am in no way sharing this for personal gain. Instead, I am sharing it for personnel's gain.
In my limited experience in ministry (9 years in October) I have seen a common trend among churches. Now I realize that if you know me personally, it isn't hard to know which churches I have served in, thus making it fairly easy to figure out which churches I am talking about. I do want you to stay focused, so instead of making you guess, I will just tell you that I have seen weaknesses (of which I hope to remedy with you today) in all four. That's right, all four of them were weak when it comes to staff appreciation. Now that I have been completely honest with you, let's examine how your church can raise the bar well beyond the mediocrity that we have come to accept and expect in the church today. Regardless of how many paid staff you do or don't have, this can apply to every church. It is right to recognize volunteers as well and I will address that next week! For today, we will focus on paid staff and pastors.
5) Encouragement: This is especially great if your staff member(s) is a "Word's of Affirmation" person. (See http://www.5lovelanguages.com/ for more on love languages). At our church, we utilize
"Connection Cards," a great idea we borrowed from another church I served at (which I am sure borrowed it from someone else). From time to time, take a moment to write our encouragement on the connection card and leave it for the staff member. Tell them why you thank God for them and let them know you are praying for them.....you are praying for them, right?
4) Date Night: If your staff member(s) is married and has children, they probably don't get out very much. Offer to watch the kids at your place, at their place or at the church. Have someone with you and plan on keeping them for a couple of hours. If you're uncomfortable watching the kids, offer to pay for the couple to go have dinner and let them arrange a baby sitter. You can adjust this as you need to, but what is important is that you show them you are encouraging their relationship. You want to see them grow together and bond and as much as we love our kids, they can make this challenging.
3) Small Card/Gift: If you don't know when their birthday is, you should ask. I don't make a big deal out of mine, but if someone asks, I will tell them. For your staff, go the extra mile to find out and drop them a small card or gift in the mail. The staff member will truly appreciate the fact that you took the time to think of them. It affirms them and helps them know that you care. You don't need to spend a lot of money on this and usually $5 is plenty!
2) Talk to Them: Many Pastors and Staff don't get to enjoy the luxury of having someone talk to them. Usually someone is talking about them and in the rare case that someone is talking to them, it is usually for advice or help on some issue in the member's life. I can't spend a lot of time visiting with people (outside normal Pastoral visitation time) and chances are your staff cannot do this either. However, set up an appointment and bake some cookies (or pick them up from the store) and sit down with that staff member and talk. Remember, the key to this is not the food (you don't even have to get cookies) it is to listen. You like to be listened to and I know your staff enjoys it as well. Ask them how they are doing. Inquire about their kids and family. Take time to listen and show them you care about them as much as you want them to care about you.
1) Pray For/With Them: You know something. In almost 9 years of ministry, I don't think I have ever once had someone say, "Pastor, can I pray with you?" unless something was going on. It might just be me, but if it isn't, then you should consider praying with them. It is great to pray for them, and you should do this a lot! However, imagine their surprise if you stopped by to pray for them. It doesn't take long, but can go a long way towards encouraging your staff.
I have truly been honored to serve on staff with some amazing people and I currently serve with some real gems. I count them as a great blessing and I don't know if many blessed churches truly understand how great it is to have a great staff. If your staff is amazing, perhaps you should show them how much you care. My question to you is, "what are some other ways to show your appreciation?" I look forward to reading your responses! And now......Off to the river!
Excellent read and very thought provoking! Always look forward to your posts!