Mark 10:45 says: "For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many."
This verse is a reminder to us that Jesus came and lowered himself to the lowest point possible, a sacrifice for others' sins. In the wake of more civil disobedience and unrest you may be tempted to take sides. As I watched the news break last night, I was tempted to take both sides. I found myself angry at the protesters and looters who were violent and not assembling peacefully, and then I found myself hurting for the families of those who lost loved ones.
This verse out of Mark reminds us that as Christians we are to be servants at all costs. What this means for us today is that instead of taking sides and pointing fingers, today can be the day that we show others we will not be divided by the Enemy, but instead we will rise up in the midst of turmoil and love each other the way God has instructed us to.
This morning my 11 year old and I were watching the news and they played a clip of a black man yelling that "all white people are the devil." Andrew got upset at this and I muted the TV and told him that was the opinion of one angry black person, not every black person and that we can't judge an entire race on the actions of a few. In his innocent eyes, I could tell he was trying to understand, but all he really knew was a black man called him the devil and it hurt him deeply.
So you've been hurt by racism....believe it or not, so have I. I remember it happening more than once as a kid and then again as a young adult. That's still no excuse for me to lump the actions of a few into the group of many. Instead, I am to emulate the love of Jesus, who died for everyone.
If your attempts to show love to others aren't received, don't fret. Your motivation isn't their receptiveness, it is your love for the Father that motivates you. Share a smile, open a door, offer a compliment and do it with the love of Christ flowing from your inner soul.
Be encouraged, by being a servant to the King!
This verse is a reminder to us that Jesus came and lowered himself to the lowest point possible, a sacrifice for others' sins. In the wake of more civil disobedience and unrest you may be tempted to take sides. As I watched the news break last night, I was tempted to take both sides. I found myself angry at the protesters and looters who were violent and not assembling peacefully, and then I found myself hurting for the families of those who lost loved ones.
This verse out of Mark reminds us that as Christians we are to be servants at all costs. What this means for us today is that instead of taking sides and pointing fingers, today can be the day that we show others we will not be divided by the Enemy, but instead we will rise up in the midst of turmoil and love each other the way God has instructed us to.
This morning my 11 year old and I were watching the news and they played a clip of a black man yelling that "all white people are the devil." Andrew got upset at this and I muted the TV and told him that was the opinion of one angry black person, not every black person and that we can't judge an entire race on the actions of a few. In his innocent eyes, I could tell he was trying to understand, but all he really knew was a black man called him the devil and it hurt him deeply.
So you've been hurt by racism....believe it or not, so have I. I remember it happening more than once as a kid and then again as a young adult. That's still no excuse for me to lump the actions of a few into the group of many. Instead, I am to emulate the love of Jesus, who died for everyone.
If your attempts to show love to others aren't received, don't fret. Your motivation isn't their receptiveness, it is your love for the Father that motivates you. Share a smile, open a door, offer a compliment and do it with the love of Christ flowing from your inner soul.
Be encouraged, by being a servant to the King!