Thursday, August 2, 2018

From the Pastor's Heart - August Edition

Start Strong

Well, we have officially made it through the summer and this year the slump wasn't that bad. My first year, we never slumped, then the last two, we slumped bad.  This summer we rose and fell like the tides, but all in all it was a pretty good summer. School is scheduled to start and families will be joining us. Some of you have been gone all summer and you may be shocked to see how things have changed since you've been away. Others have been here and may be wishing for a break!  Whatever the case, I want to encourage you to start off this school year with the students by developing good study habits of God's Word. Here are some tips:

1) Set a time daily - just like students who have a structured homework schedule, we all need a set time to study God's Word whether it is by reading the Bible or a devotion. Time spent doing this will only benefit us. So go ahead and schedule it now.

2) Meet with the Teacher - Jesus is the greatest teacher the world has ever seen (or ever will see).  Having an excellent teacher, however, isn't enough. We need to meet with the teacher, get some extra help, and spend time learning from them. Plan on meeting regularly with Jesus to have Him point out some areas of learning in your life.

3) Go for Perfect Attendance - there is no doubt, students who attend classes do much better than students who don't. The same can be said for church goers. The more we attend Sunday School and Church, the better apt we are to be prepared for the tests coming up.  I don't really expect anyone to have perfect attendance at church, but when you think about it, why not?  It is still less time than spent at work or school!

4) Make Friends in Class - one of the greatest experiences in school can involve friends. Friends are people we are close to and we end up "doing life" with them.  We need this in church as well and we are created to be a community together.  So why not make some new friends at church this month? Who knows what interesting things behold you?! 

5) Plan for Recess - if the saying is true, All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy then I want to warn you not to be like the way, this is in no way related to Jack Clifton who loves to play!  If we are serving the Lord and working our "you know what's off" but not enjoying the recess time he has given us together, we will burnout before Christmas.  Find ways to enjoy being at church. Start with not taking life too seriously.

I am looking forward to a great School Year and an even better Church Year!  I hope you are as well!

Pastor Chester

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