Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A 3rd Blog?

A third blog? Really??

Yes, I know.  It seems a little silly to have a third blog.  But, the first one is an archive...of like 4 posts, lol.  The second one is primarily used for Children's Ministry, which I don't have a whole lot to say about CM, because anything I need to say, I tweet or say it at church.  And three is definitely a pretty cool number, complete and everything in a very Holy way.  But, either they changed how this thing works or I'm getting old and forgetful. I can't remember how to post this in the intro at the top, so it becomes my first blog post.


Because, it's free!  No, seriously, because finally I've figured out what it is I want.   I don't want a blog that says, "hey, I'm the connections pastor (which I'm not now, so it's good that I don't want one.) and I don't want one that says "I'm the acting children's pastor," for my random thoughts.  No, I want one that says, "It doesn't matter where I Pastor, what role I play, or what church I represent.  This is my blog, Pastor Chester's, and it is for the reading as well as the disregarding."   So, until I feel froggy and do it again, this is my 3 of 3.

Are you mad?

No, I'm tired.

Why don't you go to sleep?

Because, I'm too busy creating a new blog.

Why does this blog sound like an interview?

Because I'm schizophrenic (and so am I).   No I'm not.  I (he means "we") thought it would be a different way to write.  I usually think (even when I'm preaching) what kinds of questions could the people listening/reading be wondering right now.  I usually answer them when I preach, so I thought I'd do it here.

Did you have to look the spelling of schizophrenic up?

Yes, yes I did. 

Anything else?

Nope.  I'm ready to start my next topic.

-Pastor Chester

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